The Run:

Your starting position, as always, will be in front of the range office. From there you will proceed up the hill, on the marked course, to the cell tower road. Following the course down the steep hill you will make a right through the trees into the wooded portion of this event. On this trail you will encounter your first shooting stage. 

Pistol #1: Will allow you to transition from your start box to the marked shooters path. 6 steel targets will be hidden among the trees and brush. Stand stationary or move and shoot as you go, your time will not stop until you have placed both feet in the stop box. 2 hits on each of the 6 steel targets is required. Any steel not successfully engaged within your time incurs a 3 second penalty. (12 rounds minimum)

From this stage you will, on RO’s approval, advance along the marked path through the trees. Your path will eventually lead you down through a dry stream bed. Once out of the stream bed, head to your right up to the Premier bays. Your second pistol stage will be on Bravo Bay. 

Pistol #2: There will be a variety of steel on this bay. You will begin within the Start Box and transition to one of the 2 available shooters boxes. You may transition to the other shooters box whenever you choose but be aware that you may not transition back to your original shooters box. You will only be shooting the plates painted neon orange. Be careful here as some of the orange plates you need to hit will be partially hidden behind others. All other plates will be painted a secondary color. Any hits to the no-hit steel plates will incur a 5 second penalty. Any Orange plates not successfully engaged at the end of your time will incur a 3 second penalty. (6 rounds minimum)

Once instructed by the RO, you may advance on the course. your next task on the marked path will have you entering the Delta Bay. From here you will climb up and over the berm between Delta and Echo, as well as over the berm between Echo and Frank. You will exit this obstacle from the Frank Bay to advance to your next shooting stage.

Rifle#1: 4 steel targets partially hidden on the hillside will be engaged from within the shooters box at the RO’s command. Each of the 4 plates must be hit 2 times. Any targets not successfully engaged within your time on this stage incur a 3 second penalty. (8 rounds minimum)

On instruction from the RO you may advance along the marked path. This will take you down the lower road towards a wall of trees. Follow the path through these trees down to the edge of the DRY(no guarantees) Cibolo Creek. You will need to climb down into the creek bed and continue following the marked course North. This portion of your run will be full of natural obstacles as the dry creek is comprised of rock at different heights with scrub, grasses and trees obscuring your route. The path will be marked in a way that you should easily be able to see which way you should be going to easily navigate these natural obstacles. If all else fails, keep heading up (N/NW) the creek in whatever way possible until you see the marked exit arrow close to where FM1863 crosses over the creek.

Once you have exited the Cibolo Creek you will follow the marked path to your left over to the Archery Field. No bows will be used in this Run & Gun, but you will have to navigate an obstacle course at this location before continuing. You will need your balance and crawling abilities for this one.

Once you have completed the Obstacle course you will continue along the marked path all the way down to the front gate. From the front gate you will see the path leads you to the other side of the main Range road. Do NOT leave the range property. Stay on the marked path. This path will be taking you to the final Rifle Stage.

Rifle#2: This final stage is located on our new 100 yard Rifle Steel Bay. Here you will find a pre-set up,  rental rifle to shoot. We provide the Ammo. This will be a bolt action rifle and you will be shooting from a prone position. You will have 4 rounds to attempt to hit 3 graduated steel targets. Each target will be more difficult to shoot than the last as they get smaller in size. There will be no penalties on this stage but you have the opportunity here to have time deducted from your overall run time. The largest of the 3 targets will earn you 3 seconds off your overall time. The middle-sized target will earn you 6 seconds off your overall time. The smallest target will earn you 9 seconds off your overall time. You may only attempt the middle and smallest targets once each. You may shoot the largest target as many times as you would like with those 4 rounds. Once you have been instructed by the RO of this stage, you are welcome to continue on the course.

This is the final stretch of your run! Follow the main range road back to the hill in front of the range office. Yell out your number as you are getting close!